WOW!!! It's getting to be Benefit concert time already! Where did the year go.
We booked The RAILBENDERS again this year....wahooo.get ready to put on your boogie shoes for a nite of dancing, laughing, celebrating honor or and because he is just the coolest angel baby....Cash. My kid.My star.
The details are above but you can always call or email me for more info.
tess@gardeningbytess or 303.550.4310
Yes. we always take donations for Silent Auction items. We have so many fun things already: gift cards, rental car gift certificates, sunglasses..... and we just started!!!
Adoption update: no new news from Nepal but we are hopeful. We are staying busy(thus the 3rd benefit Concert) and running's been 2.5 yrs or so since we started the adoption journey.......waiting is not my strength but maybe I just don't see myself as having patience.
As always, I just can't wait to see you my star!
Cashies Mommy