Concert For Cash 2011

WHAT:4th Annual Concert For Cash with The Hollyfelds and Hillbilly Inferno
WHEN: Saturday, January 22, 2011
WHERE: The Oriental Theater (
4334 West 44th Ave, Denver, CO 80212
WHO: The Hollyfelds with Hillbilly Inferno
WHY: To raise money for programs at The Children’s Hospital
: $35.00 VIP Patron Party / $20.00 General Admission(doors open GA at 7:15 pm),

available by calling 303-550-4310,

at the door

or online at

Or purchase directly online at:

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the Basin skiing

So I haven't been writing lately. I just got my new computer set up.....the old one bit the dust along with my printer the week of the benefit concert. Good timing.

I saw The Fox last week while running with the dogs. It was in Wheatridge and we stared at each other for a long time while I cried and cried at the side of Chase Street. I know Cashie just couldn't live the life he wanted(or we wanted ) for him with his little sick body.

I saw twin 3 year olds skiing with their dad on Sunday at ABAsin. I skied up to the dad and asked how old they were b/c They were so little, I was just amazed at their skiing.One of them looked up at me, googles covering his face and he just babled at me with a huge smile. I just cried as I skied off, sad and happy at the same time because I know that is our future with our kids. little ski family, all bubbly at the Basin. Trading off runs for diaper changes and happy to be changing diapers again. not caring it's a powder day. I know it's coming our way, I can feel it...and if you have any thoughts for Page and I please let them be of us, arms full of baby gear, going skiing....

xo, cash's mommy

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