Concert For Cash 2011

WHAT:4th Annual Concert For Cash with The Hollyfelds and Hillbilly Inferno
WHEN: Saturday, January 22, 2011
WHERE: The Oriental Theater (
4334 West 44th Ave, Denver, CO 80212
WHO: The Hollyfelds with Hillbilly Inferno
WHY: To raise money for programs at The Children’s Hospital
: $35.00 VIP Patron Party / $20.00 General Admission(doors open GA at 7:15 pm),

available by calling 303-550-4310,

at the door

or online at

Or purchase directly online at:

Thursday, January 31, 2008

my son

I knew the benefit concert was not going to take all the pain away and I did feel good for a week or so but I think I am coming down from the event. I just miss my so, my beanie so much. I stil cry all the time, usually alone....but had a grief attatck on the cjair lift yesturday while in my lesson. I just never know when it's going to come up. I just miss him and I want to be like those other mom's and Dad's I see at Eldora with their little kids in ski lessons. I want that too. I know that's our future....the waiting is the hard part.

I miss you Cashie.
Cash's Mommy

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thank You

What an amazing night. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it! We still don't have a concrete number as to how much we raised, but we will let you know as soon as we do.
All our love.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Denver POst Blog about the show

So.....the house is quiet, my office is empty, all our guests are gone and I am happy. I haven't been able to say that for a very long time. You know I didn't think that having a huge party on Cash's 1st birthday was going to be such a healing thing for anyone...I just selfishly needed Page and I to get thru it in one piece. My kid, our kid is amazing as I have said over and over again on this blog and to anyone that talks to me. He is a magic child who chose Page and I to give him life, to bring him here to help other people to get better. To be nicer, to help one another. I feel like I gave birth to Budha sometimes. Cash is love, Cash lives on, Cash is healing us.

We don't have exact numbers yet from the event on Friday but I know we have surpassed whatever the goal was. I can was nuts in the theater. So many people having fun........celebrating Cash's life and Spirit.

Please check out this blog from The Reverb blog on The Denver Post Online. all my gratitude goes out to YOU!!!!!!!!!

Cash's Mommy


How do you even begin to quantify what took place on Friday night at the Oriental Theater?
The engergy in that place amazing. He is a magical little boy to give the energy to pull something like that together.

Thank you to you all for coming out and supporting the Garden. We will channel all of this incredible energy from everyone right into the Garden and it will be an equally magical spot.

We have had some questions about how well the fundraiser did and though we don't have any specific numbers (I promise that as soon as we get some more concrete numbers we will broadcast them) we blew away the intital goal of raising $10,000.

I think it was a great night for everyone and I thank all of you for helping us celebrate this incredible little kid.

All our love,

Cash's Dad

P.S. If you took any pictures during the show would you mind sharing them with us? thanks.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cash is magic. He decided to begin his journey into the world today, on Muhammad Ali's Birthday. I know I've told this story over and over and over, but today I would tell him that he was named after an incredible man and that he too would do great things. And today, I've got evidence that he is magic and that he is doing incredible things (Cash's Garden) and changing people's lives. So thank you Cashie for deciding to begin your journey into the world today (Yes, Cash's Birthday is tomorrow but he started labor today). You are my boy and I can't even begin to describe how much I miss you my little man.

Thank you everyone for your love and support. We will see you tomorrow night for an incredible celebration.

Cash's Dad

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Getting ready for the big day

Hi, After another hectic day of getting things ready for the Benefit Concert with Grammy in town. It's so wonderful to have my mom here. It's really hard to think that Cash would be 1 on Friday......that I was pregnant a year ago....just about to go into labor...5 weeks early. All the outpouring of phone calls, emails, donations is overwhelming...people are just so nice.
I just miss my little man. And I am excited about the benefit concert and I am so very sad that this is how we are celebrating his bday. and yet we are celebrating Cash's life and his spirit. Which is bigger than all of us. He is my guiding light, he is my love, he is my heart and soul. I am blessed to be Cash's Mom. I do know we are doing the right thing by building this Healing Garden At Children's. I am grateful we will have a place to let people go and sit and be quiet. Just like we needed with Cash.

So if you are going to the Concert on Friday night-Thank you in advance. Let's really celebrate Cash's Spirit, his life, his lessons, his heart......full of love. To the cutest baby , I love you my baby boy, my beanie. I miss you. Good thing are coming our way.

To Cashie, my magic kid.
May he bless you all too.
Cash's Mommy

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cash's fox

We saw our Fox again last night at Nana's house in Boulder. He just scooted thru their yard in full view. I just sobbed. I miss my son so much. With this week of his Birth coming up and the concert I know I need to not check out of how I am feeling and just let myself be sad. I am sad that my baby boy is an angel and not here with us on Earth. Yet he is an angel and he shapes my every thought and movement. He always has since we first knew he was coming to be with us. My son has changed me in such deeply profound ways. Please if you see me this week and I am just acting busy with the Benefit concert know that I am sad inside.
We thought we would be taking Cash to The casa for his first birthday , that's what Page wanted. Instead we are throwing a huge party in his honor to build a garden to help other families thru their time at Children's. Not really what we had planned.
I wish children did not get sick.
I miss my son so much. I am scared.
I wish other people besides Page and I would say that they missed Cash too.
I know Fox was letting mommy and daddy know that he is hear with us, every second of everyday and that he misses us just as much as we miss him. Our magic boy.
I love you Cashie. My magic kid. I wish you were in my arms right now so we could snuggle and play.

Cash's Mommy

Thursday, January 10, 2008

phone calls and emails and skiing with ladies

Hi, It has been a whirlwind of activity getting ready for the Benefit Concert in a week! Yikes! I feel like it's my job right now...which i guess it is and I am so thankful that we decided to do this b/c I don't know how I would be getting thru this time if I didn't have a million details to get done. I was driving home from Eldora yesterday after my first lesson, crying my eyes out again at how much I Miss Cashie and how want him here. I don't know if that will ever go away.
I spent 6 hours with all women skiers, talking up a storm as women do.....and you know one of the first questions someone asks you is" do you have kids" There I am riding up the chair w/a classmate and she asks me that very question. I start to cry(luckily I had goggles on) and caught my breath and told her we have a son. but we lost him in May. And she said..I am glad you made it thru the holidays. It was such a great response. Like she knew or something that my being in this class with women skiing was a feat in itself, let alone getting out of bed and dealing with life.

I have been getting emails from people I have yet to meet about the Benefit Concert. Calls too thru the Denver Post Article. We are hoping for a good turn out. I am not as nervous as I was a week ago.

You know my kid teaches me something everyday. I think today it was to have a little more FAITH in humanity. Sometimes I can get so caught up in my life, my world, my sorrow that I forget that there are people out in the world just praying for us and Cash. People I may not know yet. I am not sure what this journey that Page , Cash and I are on will bring us next...but I know we are a family. And that alone has made us stronger as people. I hope someday I will be able to help all these people who are working their tails off to help us right now.

All my love goes out to everyone.

Via Cashie!

Cash's Mommy

Saturday, January 5, 2008

ticket sales jitters

Hi, We just got an email from the theater where the event is going to be. They need ti know how many tix have sold for staffing. I am FREAKIN' out! Please anyone who reads this: please send positive thoughts to all who are selling tix and to selling this show out!!! or at least packing the place. Page tells me to be here I am getting my nerves out online to all of you. positivity is the key. That show will go well, we will have a packed house, it will be a great event.

xo, Cash's Mommy