Concert For Cash 2011

WHAT:4th Annual Concert For Cash with The Hollyfelds and Hillbilly Inferno
WHEN: Saturday, January 22, 2011
WHERE: The Oriental Theater (
4334 West 44th Ave, Denver, CO 80212
WHO: The Hollyfelds with Hillbilly Inferno
WHY: To raise money for programs at The Children’s Hospital
: $35.00 VIP Patron Party / $20.00 General Admission(doors open GA at 7:15 pm),

available by calling 303-550-4310,

at the door

or online at

Or purchase directly online at:

Saturday, May 19, 2007

On our way . . . .

Thanks to some serious help from the Mom's (thank you both so much from the bottom of our hearts) the van is packed and we are ready to shove off. Cash has come back to us, and he too, now surrounded by candles, is ready to help us make the trip. One might think, wow, how incredible a road trip, but the reality isn't quite that rosy. To be completely truthful we are scared. Scared to leave, scared to stay, scared of the dark, scared of the quiet, and scared of just about everything you might imagine. The questions loom heavy . . . what happens to us when there isn't someone to help keep us distracted and not think too much? How will we react to each other? What just happened? How do we keep going?

So this trip is something we really need to do. Bring Cash to the ocean, collect some sand, get our feet wet, celebrate this incredible little guy. Our itinerary continues to change as it should. If we are going to be in your area we will call and let you know as we will need some safe arms in which to land.

In the meantime we absolutely want to thank our mothers who have been wonderful chaperones to us this week and have given us a wealth of support. They are incredible ladies and if you don't know them, we hope you get a chance to sometime.
Thanks to you all for your calls, notes, care packages, coming over to drink beer and cry, prayers, thoughts, and sending us incredible energy. We have and will need your help in the future. Please keep calling and writing and whatever we need you now and in the future. We're not kidding as this pain we feel in our stomach's just isn't going to go away.

We will keep posting on this blog so please keep reading and send us some e-mails for god's sake, we need it.

We will let you know about a memorial service when we get back.

All our love,

Page, Teri, Cash, Spider, and Cowie

1 comment:

splindholm said...

have a safe trip...thanks for sharing all your fears, anxieties, and hopes. i will continue reading your incredible entries. hold each other often! love stacy