Concert For Cash 2011

WHAT:4th Annual Concert For Cash with The Hollyfelds and Hillbilly Inferno
WHEN: Saturday, January 22, 2011
WHERE: The Oriental Theater (
4334 West 44th Ave, Denver, CO 80212
WHO: The Hollyfelds with Hillbilly Inferno
WHY: To raise money for programs at The Children’s Hospital
: $35.00 VIP Patron Party / $20.00 General Admission(doors open GA at 7:15 pm),

available by calling 303-550-4310,

at the door

or online at

Or purchase directly online at:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

We're So Grateful for the little miracles

From the bottom of our hearts we are so incredibly grateful for all of you out there! We don't even know where to begin. As incredibly difficult as this has been for us here in room 409 it seems as though we experience small miracles every day. A video camera, T-shirt set up (thanks Sara), food showing up at the door from out of nowhere(thank you Truebloods), the Ask Jeeves account (thanks to all of you), Whole Foods Coupons, poems, letters, stuffed animals, diet cokes, prayers, stories to Cash, . . . , the list could go on and on and on and on. Each and every single thing has made a difference.

Thank you all so much.

Yesterday Spider came to the hospital for a visit and today the Grandmothers did a fingerpainting project with him. He continues to win the nurses over that they are having battles as to which one of his 'girlfriends' gets to take care of him each day.

And as we learn more and more about the whole experience, we are learning more about Cash....he loves to watch Grey's Anatomy and Sports Center. His body may not move that well but his mind is extremely active and bright. Plus he's his Daddy's son.thus the Sports Center.

The other night we met a family who lost their 4 month old son to SMA. The visit helped our spirits and this family will no doubt be a great support to us in the future.

Team Cash "inspiration" T-Shirts are coming soon and please keep posting stuff on the blog. We look forward to hearing from you all every day.

All our thanks, love, and gratitude

Cash, Teri, Page, Spider, and Cowie

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