Concert For Cash 2011

WHAT:4th Annual Concert For Cash with The Hollyfelds and Hillbilly Inferno
WHEN: Saturday, January 22, 2011
WHERE: The Oriental Theater (
4334 West 44th Ave, Denver, CO 80212
WHO: The Hollyfelds with Hillbilly Inferno
WHY: To raise money for programs at The Children’s Hospital
: $35.00 VIP Patron Party / $20.00 General Admission(doors open GA at 7:15 pm),

available by calling 303-550-4310,

at the door

or online at

Or purchase directly online at:

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

update from 409

Hi all,

Cash , mommy and daddy have decided to stay here at Children's Hospital for a while more. Spider came to visit us today with the great help from Grammy, Nana, and Jimbo(a few doctors, nurses and a pastor too) escorting our pups to a secret spot here so we could say hi and snuggle. Cash kind of slept thru the meeting but I am going to give the guy a break on that one. We are soaking Cash up, taking videos(thank you Marty for the camera) pictures, reading many books and snuggling when Cash is able. Words can not express the love and support we feel outside these walls from all of you. PLease keep posting, it is something we look forward to reading and as you can imagine....answering the phone is pretty difficult.
Page and I are doing the very best that we can , supporting and loving each we can be strong for our remarkable little boy who is our true guide thru all of this.
PLease hug your loved ones.......send this on to those who want to help but don't know know what to do.
We need your support now, we'll need it later.

love, Cash's Mommy

1 comment:

Mike Trueblood said...

Hi Cash!

We are so glad that we got to see you at Matthews Winters Park a few weeks ago. It was a good thing that only a few minutes before we caught you on the trail that I went over the handle bars on my bike and crashed. That made us stop to regroup long enough so that we didn't miss you. Let's not forget that we hardly recognized your dad becuase he had shaved his beard since the last time we saw him! Cash, we are thinking of you all the time and we feel so lucky again to have met you. I'm also thankful that you got to see Gabrielle and Josephine walking around the park with Mike's mom. We will be checking in to hear how you are doing!


Mike, Heidi, Gabrielle and Josephine Trueblood